As a small businessperson doing your own marketing, it's likely you're sticking to the basics. But what comes after maintaining your Facebook page, sending a monthly email, and buying that ad in the local coupon magazine?
In this workshop we are going to introduce you to some more advanced marketing techniques. If you are somewhat tech savvy, you can do these things yourself. If you are not, or if you just don’t have the time to do your own marketing, this workshop will allow you to much better understand those conversations with your marketing agency or service providers.
For the typical small business owner, this workshop is going to open your eyes to opportunities that you didn’t even know existed.
Whereas we will touch on some of the “how to”, this is more about educating you as to what else is out there in the modern world of marketing. We will survey the audience afterwards to learn which of these topics you would like to dive deeper into and then we will develop those workshops based on demand.